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Family Influences on Absenteeism: Testing an Expanded Process Model
  • Rebecca J. Erickson
  • Laura Nichols, Santa Clara University
  • Christian Ritter
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Previous research has focused on how job conditions and work attitudes affect employee absence. This research has continued despite increases in the number of employees who cite family issues as a reason for missing work and the existence of theoretical models which assert that family structure affects employee attendance either directly or interactively (e.g., Brooke, 1986; Steers & Rhodes, 1978). Using a sample of 211 employed, married parents, the present study tested a series of models that have been expanded to include the effects of family demands and family attitudes. Consistent with Steers and Rhodes, family demands were found to moderate the effect of job burnout on absence frequency. Experiencing a high level of burnout was associated with increased absenteeism if employees had children under 6 living at home or reported having difficulty with their child care arrangements. These results have implications for the development of effective family-supportive policies.

Citation Information
Erickson, R. J., Nichols, L., & Ritter, C. (2000). Family Influences on Absenteeism: Testing an Expanded Process Model. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 57(2), 246–272.