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About Laura J. Hickman

Dr. Laura Hickman is a Professor and Director of the CCJ-Online program. Dr. Hickman earned her Ph.D. from the University of Maryland in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Before coming to Portland State, Dr. Hickman worked as a Research Analyst in a corrections agency and as a Behavioral Scientist at the RAND Corporation. Dr. Hickman has also served as Associate Director of the CCJ Department’s Criminal Justice Research Policy Institute and Violence Research Coordinator at the RAND Corporation. 

The focus of Dr. Hickman’s research is on evaluating and improving criminal justice policy and practice as well as the impacts of violence and victimization. Her work covers a range of topics including capital punishment, domestic violence, corrections, policing, victimization, and immigration. Dr. Hickman also co-directed the National Evaluation of Safe Start Promising Approaches, a 15-site evaluation examining the effects of promising interventions designed to serve children who had been exposed to violence. Dr. Hickman’s work in the area includes studies examining the impact of repeat exposure to violence, retention of high risk families in violence interventions, resiliency and protective factors in children, and assessment strategies with young children exposed to violence. Dr. Hickman’s collected body of peer-reviewed work has been cited by more than 1,100 authors and she continues to seek opportunities to impact public policy through research and evaluation


Present Professor, Portland State University Criminology & Criminal Justice

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Contact Information

Division of Criminology & Criminal Justice
College of Urban and Public Affairs
Portland State University
PO Box 751, Portland OR 97207


Articles (33)

Thesis (1)