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About Laura L. Hayman

Dr. Hayman’s program of research and scholarship focuses on primary prevention of obesity and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in children, adolescents and families. Her research, in collaboration with colleagues from several disciplines, has included clinical, school, and population-based studies of bio-behavioral risk factors for CVD. Dr. Hayman’s recent work combines both individual/clinical and community-based approaches to identifying children at risk for obesity and cardiometabolic conditions and theory-based interventions designed to increase physical activity and promote healthy lifestyle behaviors. Dr. Hayman has served on numerous national and international interdisciplinary advisory and expert panels relevant to primary prevention of obesity and CVD in childhood and adolescence. She has also served in leadership roles in the American Heart Association, the Society of Behavioral Medicine and the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association. Hayman’s passion for promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors in children and youth and overcoming the obesity crisis has prompted interdisciplinary collaborative research and community outreach projects focused primarily on the minority and underserved population in the Dorchester area and Boston Public Schools.


Present Professor, Department of Nursing, University of Massachusetts Boston

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