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Physician’s Leadership on National Drug Policy Adolescent Substance Abuse: A Public Health Priority
  • Hoover Adjer, Jr., Johns Hopkins University
  • Jean Callahan, Vera Institute of Justice
  • Michael Dennis, Chestnut Health Systems
  • Michael French, University of Miami
  • J. David Hawkins, University of Washington
  • Peter Monti, Brown University
  • Laura Nissen, Portland State University
  • Harvey Skinner, University of Toronto
  • Eric Wagner, Florida International University
  • Ken Winters, University of Minnesota
The treatment sector is entering a “renaissance” of new research. “The number of studies evaluating formal substance abuse treatment programs for adolescents more than doubled from 1997 to 2001 and promises to double again within the next three years.” 7 This research has translated into advances in treatment methodology, with promising new approaches that are comprehensive and integrative and involve the families, schools, healthcare professionals, and communities. Unfortunately, the promise of treatment is not always apparent to all healthcare professionals. This lack of knowledge is primarily due to the fact that physicians are not trained to recognize these problems in patients, as only eight percent of US medical schools offer a specific required substance abuse component of their curricula, and this could range from a lecture course to a single grand rounds.

With these challenges in mind, Physician Leadership on National Drug Policy convened a meeting on November 29, 2001, “Adolescents and Substance Abuse: Risks, Treatment and the Juvenile Justice System,” at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. The goal of this meeting was to identify and present the latest data on prevalence, prevention, treatment, and the juvenile justice system. While the PLNDP’s earlier activities focused on illicit drugs, this report on adolescents encompasses alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. 

This report is structured as a public health strategy planning report similar to Healthy People 2000 and Healthy People 2010 and is an outgrowth of the November PLNDP-sponsored meeting. It is organized into initiatives, within which PLNDP has identified policy recommendations and priorities for further research.
  • Teenagers -- Substance use -- Treatment,
  • Teenagers -- Drug use -- Treatment,
  • Substance abuse,
  • Public health policy
Publication Date
August, 2002
Physician Leadership on National Drug Policy
Publisher Statement
© August 2002 All Rights Reserved 

Published by: Physician Leadership on National Drug Policy PLNDP National Project Office, Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies, Brown University.

This report is based on work presented at the November 29, 2001 meeting of the PLNDP.
Citation Information
Nissen, L.B., et al. Physician’s Leadership on National Drug Policy Adolescent substance abuse: A public health priority. Providence, RI: PLNDP. Contributor. (Peer-reviewed monograph generated from November 2001 national meeting), 2002.