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Far and Momentary Glimpses: Hawthorne's Treatment of Mrs. Wakefield
Bucknell Review (1988)
  • Laura Laffrado, Western Washington University
Modern criticism of Hawthorne’s “Wakefield” concentrates on Wakefield himself, his urban surroundings, and Hawthorne as cultural analyst. Little of the spotlight is devoted to Mrs. Wakefield, who still lurks outside the pale beam of criticism-stout, retiring, and very likely misunderstood.
Publication Date
Spring 1988
Publisher Statement
Published by Bucknell University. This journal volume, New Interpretations of American Literature, was edited by Richard Fleming and Michael Payne.
Citation Information
Laura Laffrado. "Far and Momentary Glimpses: Hawthorne's Treatment of Mrs. Wakefield" Bucknell Review Vol. 31 Iss. 2 (1988) p. 34 - 44
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