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Contribution to Book
Women's and Gender Studies
  • Laura L. Ellingson, Santa Clara University
  • Margaret M. Quinlan, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
SAGE publications

People with disabilities (PWD) are the fastest growing minority social group in the world. Moreover, this group is one in which many, if not all individuals, will eventually join due to accidents, injuries, illnesses, wear and tear on aging bodies, and genetic factors. Disabilities can be physical, cognitive, social, and/or emotional. The disability community overlaps with people of all races, ethnicities, age groups, genders, sexual orientations/ expressions, and socioeconomic statuses, although PWD are overrepresented among people who are economically disadvantaged and under-served in health care, environmental safety, nutrition, and other basic needs. While the proportion of people with disabilities increases with age, the majority of people with disabilities remains under the age of 65.

Chapter of
Encyclopedia of health communication
Teresa L. Thompson

Copyright © 2014 Sage Publications. Reprinted with permission.

Citation Information
Ellingson, L. L., & Quinlan, M. M. (2014). Disability. T. L. Thompson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of health communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.