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Doing Research: We Will Never Find Time, We Must MAKE Time
Faculty Publications
  • Larry D. Burton, Andrews University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Research,
  • Time management

"Finding a schedule pattern that best fits your work style will likely take some experimentation. The basic principle is “Schedule your work, and work your schedule.” I have found in my personal experience that both external and internal forces constantly attempt to disrupt my research and writing time. Nevertheless, I schedule research and writing tasks to recur at the same time each week and try to protect those times as sacred. I still miss some of these sacred scholarship times due to external demands, other deadlines, or the need to catch up on other tasks. However, since my research times appear on my Outlook calendar, these color-coded blocks stare back at me from the computer screen each day. My calendar constantly reminds me of my personal commitment to scholarship. As a result, I spend much more time engaged in scholarship than I would if my calendar did not include these recurring research appointments."


Excerpted from article

Journal Title
Journal of Research on Christian Education
First Department
Teaching, Learning and Curriculum
Citation Information
Larry D. Burton. "Doing Research: We Will Never Find Time, We Must MAKE Time" Vol. 24 Iss. 3 (2015) p. 185 - 189
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