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Research Skills in the Minnesota 2020 K-12 English Language Arts Standards
Minnesota Library Association (2023)
  • Lacey Rotier, St. Catherine University
The 2020 revision of the Minnesota English Language Arts standards will be fully implemented in schools by the 2025-2026 school year, with districts already making plans and changes to be on track for full implementation. This presentation highlights what standards and benchmarks contain research-related skills as well as examining the K-12 standards from a library media specialist perspective. Library media specialists across the state support and collaborate with classroom teachers on student research in schools and it is important that they know and understand the academic standards that classroom teachers use as a basis for their instruction. By looking forward to the 2020 standards revision, library media specialists can be better prepared to integrate into the curriculum changes in their schools as well as to suggest ways that they can collaborate and support student learning related to research
  • research skills,
  • English Language Arts standards,
  • Minnesota teaching standards
Publication Date
October 5, 2023
St. Paul, MN
Understand where the research skills are in the updated 2020 ELA standards so that you can
  • Collaborate with classroom teachers
  • Support students and teachers
  • Integrate into the curriculum
  • Advocate for quality research skills instruction
Citation Information
Lacey Rotier. "Research Skills in the Minnesota 2020 K-12 English Language Arts Standards" Minnesota Library Association (2023)
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