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Addition of Amines to a Carbonyl Ligand: Syntheses, Characterization, and Reactivities of Iridium(III) Porphyrin Carbamoyl Complexes
  • Taiwo O. Dairo, Iowa State University
  • Arkady Ellern, Iowa State University
  • Robert J. Angelici, Iowa State University
  • L. Keith Woo, Iowa State University
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Publication Version
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Treatment of (carbonyl)chloro(meso-tetra-p-tolylporphyrinato)iridium(III), (TTP)Ir(CO)Cl (1), with excess primary amines at 23 °C in the presence of Na2CO3 produces the trans-amine-coordinated iridium carbamoyl complexes (TTP)Ir(NH2R)[C(O)NHR] (R = Bn (2a), n-Bu (2b), i-Pr (2c), t-Bu (2d)) with isolated yields up to 94%. The trans-amine ligand is labile and can be replaced with quinuclidine (1-azabicyclo[2.2.2]octane, ABCO), 1-methylimidazole (1-MeIm), triethyl phosphite (P(OEt)3), and dimethylphenylphosphine (PMe2Ph) at 23 °C to afford the hexacoordinated carbamoyl complexes (TTP)Ir(L)[C(O)NHR] (for R = Bn: L = ABCO (3a), 1-MeIm (4a), P(OEt)3 (5a), PMe2Ph (6a)). On the basis of ligand displacement reactions and equilibrium studies, ligand binding strengths to the iridium metal center were found to decrease in the order PMe2Ph > P(OEt)3 > 1-MeIm > ABCO > BnNH2 ≫ Et3N, PCy3. The carbamoyl complexes (TTP)Ir(L)[C(O)NHR] (L = RNH2 (2a,b), 1-MeIm (4a)) undergo protonolysis with HBF4 to give the cationic carbonyl complexes [(TTP)Ir(NH2R)(CO)]BF4 (7a,b) and [(TTP)Ir(1-MeIm)(CO)]BF4 (8), respectively. In contrast, the carbamoyl complexes (TTP)Ir(L)[C(O)NHR] (L = P(OEt)3 (5a), PMe2Ph (6a,c)) reacted with HBF4 to afford the complexes [(TTP)Ir(PMe2Ph)]BF4 (9) and [(TTP)IrP(OEt)3]BF4 (10), respectively. The carbamoyl complexes (TTP)Ir(L)[C(O)NHR] (L = RNH2 (2ad), 1-MeIm (4a), P(OEt)3 (5b), PMe2Ph (6c)) reacted with methyl iodide to give the iodo complexes (TTP)Ir(L)I (L = RNH2 (11ad), 1-MeIm (12), P(OEt)3(13), PMe2Ph (14)). Reactions of the complexes [(TTP)Ir(PMe2Ph)]BF4 (9) and [(TTP)IrP(OEt)3]BF4 (10) with [Bu4N]I, benzylamine (BnNH2), and PMe2Ph afforded (TTP)Ir(PMe2Ph)I (14), (TTP)Ir[P(OEt)3]I (13), [(TTP)Ir(PMe2Ph)(NH2Bn)]BF4 (16), and trans-[(TTP)Ir(PMe2Ph)2]BF4 (17), respectively. Metrical details for the molecular structures of 4a and17 are reported.


Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Organometallics 33 (2014): 2266, doi:10.1021/om500189a. Copyright 2014 American Chemical Society.

Copyright Owner
American Chemical Society
File Format
Citation Information
Taiwo O. Dairo, Arkady Ellern, Robert J. Angelici and L. Keith Woo. "Addition of Amines to a Carbonyl Ligand: Syntheses, Characterization, and Reactivities of Iridium(III) Porphyrin Carbamoyl Complexes" Organometallics Vol. 33 Iss. 9 (2014) p. 2266 - 2276
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