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The Wisconsin/GSFC Hale-Bopp Observing Campaign
29th American Astronomical Society Division of Planetary Sciences Meeting (1997)
  • F. Scherb, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • F. L. Roesler, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • W. M. Harris, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • K. H. Nordsieck, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • C. Anderson, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • D. A. Klinglesmith, III, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • R. C. Woodward, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • E. J. Mierkiewicz, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach
  • L. M. Haffner, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • S. L. Tufte, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • R. J. Oliversen, Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA)
  • G. M. Hilton
  • N. Doane
  • T. Tilliman, National Optical Astronomy Observatory, National Science Foundation
  • M. Vincent, University of Michigan
From September 1996 to April 1997, we conducted an extensive campaign of observations of several atomic (O, C, H), ionic (H_2O(+) ), and molecular (OH, C_2, C_3, CN, NH_2) emissions from Comet Hale-Bopp, using a variety of telescopes (McMath-Pierce, WHAM, Burrel-Schmidt, WIYN, PBO, WISP), instruments (imagers, Fabry-Perot and grating spectrometers, polarimeters), and data formats (spectra, images, datacubes). We will present an overview of the observations, and highlight early results, some of which will be presented in detail in poster papers at this meeting.
  • Comet Hale-Bopp,
  • cometary comae
Publication Date
July, 1997
Publisher Statement
Abstract #32.01. Also published in the Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, vol. 29, page 1033.
Citation Information
F. Scherb, F. L. Roesler, W. M. Harris, K. H. Nordsieck, et al.. "The Wisconsin/GSFC Hale-Bopp Observing Campaign" 29th American Astronomical Society Division of Planetary Sciences Meeting (1997)
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