The 1995 Year 9 Cohort (Y95) In 1995, a nationally representative sample of approximately 13,000 Year 9 students was selected to form the first cohort of the new Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth program. The sample was constructed by randomly selecting two Year 9 classes from a national sample of 300 schools designed to represent state and sector. Reading and numeracy tests were administered to students in their schools to provide information on early school achievement for use in later analyses of educational and labour market participation. Students also completed a background questionnaire about their educational and vocational plans and attitudes to school. In 1996, these students provided information in response to a mailed questionnaire. Information was also obtained from their schools about curricula and organisation. In 1997, members of the sample were contacted in the first of the annual telephone interviews (conducted by AC Nielsen, then Reark Research). That questionnaire included questions on school; transitions from school; post school education and training; work; job history; job search history; non-labour force activities; health, living arrangements and finance; and general attitudes. Subsequent surveys (conducted now by Wallis Consulting) have asked similar questions but with the emphasis changing over time from school, to post-school education and training, and to work. Details on the 1995 survey are provided in LSAY Technical Report No. 9 (Not publicly distributed). Details of the subsequent telephone surveys are covered by Technical Reports Nos. 11, 17, 18, 21, 25 and 27. The 2002 Y95 Telephone Survey The 2002 Y95 Telephone Survey was conducted with the 6, 876 students who formed the 2001 sample. Of that group, 6, 095 useable interviews were completed successfully (89% of the active sample). There were 288 refusals or terminations (4% of the active sample). The 2002 sample consisted primarily of young people in the forth year following the completion of secondary school. The survey instrument collects data on their educational and labour market participation. It has a particular emphasis on structured workplace learning and training received ì on the jobî , life-long learning and volunteer work. The survey involves around 25 minutes of telephone interview time. The survey form used in the telephone interviewing is included as Appendix 1 in this report.
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