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Recognition and Capture of Breast Cancer Cells Using an Antibody-Based Platform in a Microelectromechanical Systems Device
Biomedical Microdevices (2007)
  • Zhiqiang Du
  • Kwan H Cheng, Texas Tech University
  • Mark W Vaughn
  • Nathan L Collie
  • Lauren S Gollahon

Cancer is one of the most common diseases afflicting humans. The use of biomarkers specific for tumor cells has facilitated their identification. However, technology has not kept pace with the field of molecular biomarkers, leaving their potential unrealized. Here, we demonstrate the efficacy of recognizing and capturing cancer cells using an antibody-based, on-chip, microfluidic device. A cancer cell capture biochip consisting of microchannels of size 2.0 cm long and 500 μm wide and deep, was etched onto Polydimethylsiloxane. Epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) and Epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR) were coated on the inner surface of the microchannels. The overall chip measured 2.0 cm × 1.5 cm × 0.5 cm. Normal and tumor breast cells in a phosphate buffered saline (PBS) suspension were flowed through the biochip channels at a rate of 15 μL/min. Breast cancer cells were preferentially captured and identified while most of normal cells passed through. The capture rates for tumor and normal cells were found to be >30% and <5%, respectively. This preliminary cancer cell capture biochip design supports our initial effort of moving a BioMEMS device, from the bench top to the clinic.

  • Breast cancer,
  • EMA,
  • EGFR,
  • Microfluidic system,
  • Targeted cell capture
Publication Date
February, 2007
Citation Information
Du, Z., Cheng, K. H., Vaughn, M. W., Collie, N. L., & Gollahon, L. S. (2007). Recognition and capture of breast cancer cells using an antibody-based platform in a microelectromechanical systems device. Biomedical Microdevices, 9, 35-42. doi: 10.1007/s10544-006-9010-x