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Towards a thriving digital resource ecology with teachers
  • A/Prof. Therese Keane, Swinburne University of Technology - Australia
  • A/Prof. Kurt W Seemann, Swinburne University of Technology - Australia
This scoping and co-design research project establishes how teachers in Victorian Government schools and key stakeholders engage with digital educational resources primarily in teaching and learning and, to a lesser extent, in professional learning contexts.

The final report articulates directions towards the delivery of innovative and potentially disruptive models for the Department of Education and Training in establishing a thriving and trusted digital resource ecology for its teachers.

The goal of the Department of Education and Training is to facilitate teacher access to online teaching and learning resources that accommodate the creativity and diversity of curriculum delivery needs across K-12, for urban, rural and remote schools.
  • Education Policy,
  • Teacher Resources,
  • Online,
  • Design Anthropology
Publication Date
Fall March 26, 2020
Victorian Government and Swinburne University of Technology
Citation Information
Keane, T. and Seemann, K. (2020) Towards a thriving digital resource ecology with teachers. Victorian Government in partnership with Swinburne University of Technology. Melbourne, Australia.
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