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Pedagogies and practices for developing innovation capability: Beyond the AITSL standards
Fostering design led innovation capabilities: Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc). (2019)
  • Esther Hill, All Saints’ College, Perth
  • A/Prof. Therese Keane, Swinburne University of Technology - Australia
  • A/Prof. Kurt W Seemann, Swinburne University of Technology - Australia
This scoping paper critiques the 2011 Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Standards (AITSL) for its currency against the innovation agenda. With discourses around innovation taking centre stage in our national agendas on the economy, and hence education, there is a strong focus on developing curricula, programs and opportunities for teachers to advance in themselves, foster in others, and model innovation capability. Recent Federal Government reports recommend that innovation capability be central to all of our major policies and that understanding technologies and being creative should feature strongly in curriculum and teacher development. Innovation capability is varyingly described as the ability of individuals to think originally and critically, adapt to change, work cooperatively and find solutions to problems as they occur.

To enact the innovation agenda, teachers will need to engage with, support and lead in the development of the new fluency largely related to technological understanding and creative application. Very little literature guides teachers in what this ‘fluency’ looks like in an educational setting. Technacy education offers a framework to guide this process for teachers just as frameworks for literacy and numeracy have in language and number development. 

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) offer very little direction for teacher education programs and professional development for what technological understanding and innovation capability looks like in their professional practice. This paper offers a critical analysis of the APST with a focus on the discourses that are privileged and the gaps and silences that surround the pedagogies and practices that support innovation capability.
  • Technacy; innovation; pedagogy; fluency,
  • general capabilities
Publication Date
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Citation Information
Hill, E., Keane, T., & Seemann, K. (2018). Pedagogies and practices for developing innovation capability: Beyond the AITSL standards, In K. Seemann & P. J. Williams (Eds.), Fostering design led innovation capabilities: Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc). 5-8 Dec 2018 (Vol. 10). Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia: DATTArc and Swinburne University of Technology.
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