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About Kshitija Deshpande

In Fall 2016, I joined the Physical Sciences Department as an Assistant Professor of Engineering Physics at ERAU. Before that, I was a postdoctoral research associate with Professor C. Robert Clauer at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. I was awarded Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Virginia Tech in 2014 for my work in the area of Space Science with Dr. Clauer. I worked closely with Dr. Gary Bust at Johns Hopkins Applied Research Lab (JHUAPL) for my Ph.D. 

My research interests include remote sensing, Global Positioning System (GPS), space weather effects, inverse problems, big data, high-performance scientific computing, mathematical modeling and simulations, signal processing, data analysis, upper atmosphere physics, and magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions.

Before starting my Ph.D., I did my Masters in Radio Astronomy at Virginia Tech. I completed my Bachelor of Technology from the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication at College of Engineering Pune (COEP), India.
I love to sketch and paint. Other hobbies include hiking, traveling, astronomy, photography, and dancing (ballroom, salsa, rumba). 


Present Assistant Professor, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Physical Sciences

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