Contribution to Book
Mobile Phones: News Consumption, News Creation, and News Organization Accommodations
Encyclopedia of Mobile Phone Behavior
Advances in mobile phone technologies have changed the way news is consumed and created. Accordingly, this relates to three specific areas: 1.) people turn to their phones to consume news content, 2.) people use their phones to create news content, and 3.) news organizations are making accommodations based on these changes. In particular, research indicates an increase in the number of people who use their phones to access the news. In addition, given the availability of faster connections and phone-based multimedia capabilities, individuals now play a role in the creation news content. News organizations are taking notice and have adopted ways in which to utilize mobile phone capabilities, both in terms of the distribution and creation of news content. Suggested future research involves examining consumer use of more than one digital device at a time.
Publication Date
January 1, 2015
Z. Yan
IGI Global
Citation Information
Kristine Johnson. "Mobile Phones: News Consumption, News Creation, and News Organization Accommodations" Hershey, PA, USAEncyclopedia of Mobile Phone Behavior (2015) p. 280 - 286 Available at: