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Gender and Cybersecurity: Consumer Awareness, Experience and Trust
Proceedings of the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice (2018)
  • M. Olguta Vilceanu, Rowan University
  • Kristine Johnson, Rowan University
In light of the growing epidemic of cyberattacks, it is important to understand how different groups within the general population connect information with attitudes and behaviors. Internet transactions become less of an option and more of a requirement for consumers and the workforce. This study explored the connection between awareness, experience, and trust with the goal of identifying communication strategies that will ultimately steer consumers toward healthy cyberbehaviors. Consumer trust in government and business organizations is the desired status quo for everyone. Awareness and experience are important modifying factors and both are addressable through strategic consumer communication campaigns. Understanding the different ways men and women think, feel, and act around key issues in cybersecurity is key to organizational success. Furthermore, investing in promotion of educated trust can help organizations avoid massive loyalty shifts if or when the next data breach occurs.
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Citation Information
Vilceanu, M. Olguta and Johnson, Kristine, "Gender and Cybersecurity: Consumer Awareness, Experience and Trust" (2018). Association of Marketing Theory and Practice Proceedings 2018. 46.
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