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Contribution to Book
Understanding the Enumerated World: Making Sense of Data as an Information Source
Western Libraries Publications
  • Kristi Thompson, Western University
  • Elizabeth Hill, Western University
  • Alexandra Cooper, Queen's University - Kingston, Ontario
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date

Chapter in ACRL publication The Data Literacy Cookbook.

This recipe is a guide to preparing an instructional session aimed at postsecondary students in the social or health sciences or related disciplines on locating, evaluating, and using secondary data sources as information resources. Who collects data? Where can you access them? Why are data available on some topics and not others? Why are some statistics available at a detailed level of geography and others only nationally? What are some key limitations of official statistics, and where can information be found to fill in the gaps? This recipe uses these questions to encourage students to consider how data are used as information sources


The Data Literacy Cookbook

Edited by Kelly Getz Meryl Brodsky

ISBN: 978-0-8389-3925-3


Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Citation Information

Cooper, Alexandra, Hill, Elizabeth, and Thompson, Kristi. (2022). "Understanding the Enumerated World: Making Sense of Data as an Information Source". In Getz, K and Brodsky, M, (Eds.), The Data Literacy Cookbook. Association of College and Research Libraries.