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Book review of Diversity in Language: Contrastive studies in English and Arabic theoretical and applied linguistics. Edited by Zeinab M. Ibrahim, Sabiha T. Aydelott and Nagwa Kassabgy.
MELA Notes: The Journal of the Middle East Librarians Association
  • Kristen Kern, Portland State University
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date
  • Arabic language -- Grammar,
  • Comparative -- English,
  • English language -- Grammar,
  • Comparative -- Arabic,
  • Second language acquisition

Book review of Diversity in Language: Contrastive studies in English and Arabic theoretical and applied linguistics. Edited by Zeinab M. Ibrahim, Sabiha T. Aydelott and Nagwa Kassabgy.

Persistent Identifier
Citation Information
Kern, Kristen. Book review of Diversity in Language: Contrastive studies in English and Arabic theoretical and applied linguistics. Edited by Zeinab M. Ibrahim, Sabiha T. Aydelott and Nagwa Kassabgy. Cairo, New York: University of Cairo Press, 2000. Pp. xiii, 235, 20. ISBN: 977-424-578-4. Published in MELA Notes, Number 79 (2006): 30-33.