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Participatory research in energy justice: guiding principles and practice
Progress in Energy (2024)
  • Laura Castro-Diaz, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Vivian Ogechi Nwadiaru, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Nicholas Caverly, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Anais Roque, Duke University
  • Ali Kenner, Drexel
  • Krista Harper
This perspective explores the imperative role of participatory research (PR) in advancing energy
justice. We argue that using PR methods and principles at the intersection of energy and equity is a
critical research advantage. Here, we contend that PR frameworks are integral to bridging the gap
between energy justice theory and practice, emphasizing the need to move beyond
decontextualized principles to address specific injustices related to race, class, gender, and
coloniality. We present three energy justice case studies that used participatory approaches in
diverse contexts: Amazon, Brazil; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; and Holyoke, Massachusetts,
USA. These cases showcase the versatility of PR methods in understanding and addressing unique
energy challenges within local communities. We highlight guiding principles of PR, emphasizing
the importance of prioritizing community needs, respecting diverse expertise, building trust,
designing for transparency and accountability, choosing appropriate methods, adapting and being
flexible, and aiming for long-term collaboration. Lastly, our perspective suggests future directions
for participatory energy justice research, including the potential for PR to inform multiscalar
policy, practice, and advocacy. We underscore the importance of collaborations between university
researchers and community organizations through citizen science, emphasizing the need for
diverse disciplinary perspectives to effectively address complex energy justice challenges.
  • energy justice,
  • energy transition,
  • climate justice,
  • climate change,
  • community-based participatory research (CBPR)
Publication Date
June, 2024
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Citation Information
Laura Castro-Diaz, Vivian Ogechi Nwadiaru, Nicholas Caverly, Anais Roque, et al.. "Participatory research in energy justice: guiding principles and practice" Progress in Energy Iss. 6 (2024)
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