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Student Leadership Exchange (SLX)
  • Krisha Patel, '21, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Jonathan Gao, '21, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Jason Li, '21, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Room A112
Andrea Stuiber; Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Document Type
Social Entrepreneurship (SocEnt)
Start Date
1-5-2019 11:30 AM
End Date
1-5-2019 11:50 AM

Technology has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. Regardless of financial conditions, most people have a cellphone in their hands at all times—usually a smartphone. TVs are installed in almost every single room in the typical American household and very often powered up with a marathon of a favorite show, playing episode after episode without pause. Kids become obsessed with the latest video game consoles and games, paying exorbitant amounts to be the first of their friends to get their hands on them. Even many parents compulsively check and post updates to a variety of social media sites throughout the day to keep up with friends and family and share the happenings of their lives.

But technology is not purely for entertainment. It is time to change this technology addiction into something that can solve problems that many individuals and businesses in the local community face. Unplugged, an innovative app that motivates phone users (especially teenagers in the Aurora area) to stay away from their phones by offering in-app currency for every interval of 30 minutes that the user doesn’t use their phone. There will be two membership options for the user to engage in. They can continue using the app for free and enter their in-app currency into a raffle to win vouchers, coupons, and promotional deals from local start-ups. However, they can also buy a membership in the app and then, directly trade in their in-app currency for the promotions instead of having to take an uncertain chance with the raffle. These promotions will be offered by local startups and companies that wish to market their products and services as they establish themselves. Hence, this app offers a solid stream of revenue, a clear customer segment, a strong minimum viable product, and ultimately, a solution that does good for all parties involved in the social realm.

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International
Citation Information
Krisha Patel, Jonathan Gao and Jason Li. "Unplugged" (2019)
Available at: