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Policy implications of convergence in the new security environment: An investigation into the symbiosis between risk management and intelligence
Australia and the New Technologies: Evidence Based Policy in Public Administration (2008)
  • K. Michael, University of Wollongong
  • M. Loves, University of Wollongong

For some time there has been a movement away from the traditional view of security as a purely functional activity which occurs within a single department of an agency or enterprise, to security being understood as a value added capability serving the overall mission of an organization. Enterprise risk management (ERM) is a process that is conducted by private companies for the purpose of due diligence informing key decision makers like chief information officers (CIOs). In the same light, the intelligence cycle is conducted by government organizations for the purpose of maintaining national security and informing policy makers like heads of state, ministers and other agencies tasked with security such as the military. The new security paradigm has spurred on the development of enabling business processes that have not only an enterprise-wide view of risk but an interdependent organization-to-organization view of risk. Entities interconnected in the intelligence community (IC) must consider sharing their information to ensure robustness in their decision-making capabilities. In changing the way things have been done, entities in the new security environment are undergoing the trend of convergence on a number of levels including information, products and services, platforms (i.e. standards), and organizations. Of importance in this paper, is the convergence and integration occurring between the risk management and intelligence cycles which has born about the emerging concept of risk intelligence (RI).

  • Security convergence,
  • enterprise risk management,
  • intelligence cycle,
  • business intelligence,
  • real-time business intelligence,
  • risk intelligence,
  • business process
Publication Date
July 23, 2008
Katina Michael and MG Michael
University of Wollongong
The Social Implications of National Security
Citation Information
K. Michael and M. Loves. "Policy implications of convergence in the new security environment: An investigation into the symbiosis between risk management and intelligence" 1WollongongAustralia and the New Technologies: Evidence Based Policy in Public Administration Vol. 3 (2008)
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