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Barunga Music Online
Faculty of Informatics - Papers (Archive)
  • A. Toshack, University of Wollongong
  • Katina Michael, University of Wollongong
Publication Date
Publication Details
This case study was originally published as Toshack, A & Michael, K, Barunga Music Online, in Lawrence, E, Lawrence, J, Newton, S, Dann, S, Corbitt, B & Thanasankit, T (eds), Internet Commerce: Digital Models for Business, John Wiley & Sons, Australia, 2003, pp. 76-80.

Barunga Music is a fictitious company, used for the sole purpose of creating this case study:
Barunga Music is an organisation that records, markets and sells Aboriginal compositions. Barunga is a small business that operates a physical store based in Melbourne. The organisation was established in 1994 by Stephen Clark and business partner Daniel Stone. The company employs 10 staff members, including a part-time IT professional.

Citation Information
A. Toshack and Katina Michael. "Barunga Music Online" (2003)
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