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20,000 Sequences of Psalm 119 Randomly Shuffled Primary Torah Gender Terms
  • Keith L. Yoder
This is the third of three Excel tables which have been prepared to support my experiment at the end of the essay by Samuel Zinner, "Psalm 119’s Eight Key Torah Terms’ Hidden Gender-Based Distribution Patterns". As explained below, this file contains a VBA module with the code used to generate the random trials used in this experiment. Many computers may throw up a security alert to prevent downloading and/or opening of this file, so the VBA code in that module is also posted on this page at

The first file contains the first table described in the summary of that experiment, a table of 1,000 randomly generated sequences of 179 gender terms, 90 (f)eminine and 89 (m)asculine, over the 22 strophes of Psalm 119 according to the actual counts of the primary Torah terms for each strophe in the Hebrew text of Psalm 119. The records (rows) in the table represent the results of randomly shuffling the 179 gender terms in place 1,000 times.

The second file contains another table of 1,000 random sequences of the same 179 terms, but distributed this time over 182 slots. The three additional placeholders represent the positions of the three secondary Torah terms appearing in Ps 119:3 (srophe 1), 119:15 (strophe 2), and 119:90 (strophe 12). The bottom-line difference for this part of the experiment is that now the number of terms in each strophe may be also be subject to minor random variation. Consult the article itself for full details of the methodology involved. Both of these 1,000 random sequence files are in simple Excel .xlsx file format.

The third file is in Excel binary .xlsb format. It contains two larger tables prepared similarly to the two tables just described, but each with 10,000, rather than 1,000 random sequences. This file also has a VBA module containing the code that was used to generate all four of the random sequence tables. The module is included so users who desire may generate their own tables of random trials to confirm for themselves the results of this experiment.

The titles and download links for the three Excel files are:

Each Excel table has 30 columns (fields) with the following field names and definitions, formatted as follows:
Column or field name // Feature Abbreviation (or NA) // Feature Definition--
  • Score // NA // Sum of all Feature counts (ChiTrn is double-counted)
  • Dup // d.   // Count of Duplicate matches
  • Chi //  x.   //  Count of Chiastic matches
  • Trn      //  .t.   //  Count of gender-Transfer matches
  • ChiTrn // xt. //  Count of combined Chiastic and Gender-Transfer matches
  • C4 //  5fmC //  Count of more than 4 Consecutive f=m sequences
  • A2 // 3fmA  //  Count of more than 2 Alternating f=m sequences
  • Features // NA // Summary of features in each sequence
  • S1-22   // NA // Randomly generated f/m sequences for Strophes 1-2

The last 22 fields, labelled “S1” through “S22”, show the actual f/m strings generated for each of the 22 strophes for all 1,000 random trials. As each trial sequence was generated, the Excel program automatically tested for any occurences of the six features defined in columns 2 through 7 (“Dup”, “Chi”, “Trn”, ChiTrn”, “C4”, and “A2”) according to the definitions shown above. The “Features” column summarizes the type and strophe location for any of the six features found in each of the 1,000 trial sequences. The “Score” field is a summary total of all features found in each random sequence, with “ChiTrn” instances receiving a double count.

Each Excel table is enabled for Auto-Filter searches on any of the 30 columns. Simply click the drop-down arrow in any of the top row label cells and select any of the options in the pop-up auto-filter menu. Only the records selected with the filter will be visibly displayed. When any column is filtered, the drop-down arrow will instead appear as an hour-glass; to clear a filter from any such column, click the “Clear filter from…” option in the auto-filter pop-up menu. Two totals rows appear at the very bottom of each table. The values in the totals rows automatically update themselves whenever filters are in effect; in other words, the totals values always represent only the counts in the visible rows.
Each Excel file has worksheet “Protection” turned on, but that protection may be turned off without a password. Worksheet protection has been applied simply to minimize accidental changes or deletions for users who are not familiar with Excel-type tables. To turn off worksheet protection, just select “Review” and then “Unprotect Sheet” in the top Excel menu bar.
Publication Date
Summer 2018
Citation Information
Keith L. Yoder. "20,000 Sequences of Psalm 119 Randomly Shuffled Primary Torah Gender Terms" (2018)
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