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Particle distribution in intense fields in a light-front Hamiltonian approach
Physical Review D
  • Guangyao Chen, Iowa State University
  • Xingbo Zhao, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Yang Li, Iowa State University
  • Kirill Tuchin, Iowa State University
  • James P. Vary, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Published Version
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We study the real-time evolution of an electron influenced by intense electromagnetic fields using the time-dependent basis light-front quantization (tBLFQ) framework. We focus on demonstrating the nonperturbative feature of the tBLFQ approach through a realistic application of the strong coupling QED problem, in which the electromagnetic fields are generated by an ultrarelativistic nucleus. We calculate transitions of an electron influenced by such electromagnetic fields and we show agreement with light-front perturbation theory when the atomic number of the nucleus is small. We compare tBLFQ simulations with perturbative calculations for nuclei with different atomic numbers, and obtain the significant higher-order contributions for heavy nuclei. The simulated real-time evolution of the momentum distribution of an electron evolving inside the strong electromagnetic fields exhibits significant nonperturbative corrections compared to light-front perturbation theory calculations. The formalism used in this investigation can be extended to QCD problems in heavy ion collisions and electron ion collisions.


This article is published as Chen, Guangyao, Xingbo Zhao, Yang Li, Kirill Tuchin, and James P. Vary. "Particle distribution in intense fields in a light-front Hamiltonian approach." Physical Review D 95, no. 9 (2017): 096012. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.096012. Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
American Physical Society
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Citation Information
Guangyao Chen, Xingbo Zhao, Yang Li, Kirill Tuchin, et al.. "Particle distribution in intense fields in a light-front Hamiltonian approach" Physical Review D Vol. 95 Iss. 9 (2017) p. 096012
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