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Diffractive charmonium spectrum in high energy collisions in the basis light-front quantization approach
Physics Letters B
  • Guangyao Chen, Iowa State University
  • Yang Li, Iowa State University
  • Pieter Maris, Iowa State University
  • Kirill Tuchin, Iowa State University
  • James P. Vary, Iowa State University
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Publication Version
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Using the charmonium light-front wavefunctions obtained by diagonalizing an effective Hamiltonian with the one-gluon exchange interaction and a confining potential inspired by light-front holography in the basis light-front quantization formalism, we compute production of charmonium states in diffractive deep inelastic scattering and ultra-peripheral heavy ion collisions within the dipole picture. Our method allows us to predict yields of all vector charmonium states below the open flavor thresholds in high-energy deep inelastic scattering, proton-nucleus and ultra-peripheral heavy ion collisions, without introducing any new parameters in the light-front wavefunctions. The obtained charmonium cross section is in reasonable agreement with experimental data at HERA, RHIC and LHC. We observe that the cross-section ratio sigma(psi),(2s)/sigma(J/psi) reveals significant independence of model parameters.


This article is published as Chen, Guangyao, Yang Li, Pieter Maris, Kirill Tuchin, and James P. Vary. "Diffractive charmonium spectrum in high energy collisions in the basis light-front quantization approach." Physics Letters B 769 (2017): 477-484. DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2017.04.024. Posted with permission.

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The Authors
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Citation Information
Guangyao Chen, Yang Li, Pieter Maris, Kirill Tuchin, et al.. "Diffractive charmonium spectrum in high energy collisions in the basis light-front quantization approach" Physics Letters B Vol. 769 (2017) p. 477 - 484
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