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Ambivalence and the Decision Tree
Psychology Today online (2012)
  • Kirby Farrell, University of Massachusetts - Amherst

We are insolubly ambivalent creatures. Traditionally cultures have managed ambivalence by focusing on character and morality in motives. Freudian psychology recognized that cognitive conflict is insoluble and stressed equilibrium and grace in adaptation. Today technology's binary structure is complicating and sometimes superseding the traditional trope of character by organizing cognition around the trope of the decision tree.

  • cognition,
  • decision-making,
  • ambivalence,
  • binary thinking,
  • technological thinking,
  • equilibrium,
  • character,
  • traits
Publication Date
Summer August 23, 2012
Citation Information
Kirby Farrell. "Ambivalence and the Decision Tree" Psychology Today online (2012)
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