Popular Press
The Activist Classroom: Performance and Pedagogy
Canadian Theatre Review
As teachers of theatre history, theory, and performance theory and practice we engage in crucial public work: the training of future audiences. Our labour, every day, is social activism, whether we call it that or not. The latest issue of Canadian Theatre Review celebrates this work, and explores its challenges from multiple perspectives. It includes contributions from performers, public arts workers, students, and scholars who work in theatre for education, performance studies, English literature, and more. The issue also features a forum on pedagogical innovation in the theatre studies classroom, as well as five short scripts developed by students at Queen’s University as part of a seminar on theatre, witness, and social change.
- Pedagogy,
- drama,
- performance,
- social activism
Publication Date
Summer 2011
Publisher Statement
Please note that the issue's main editorial is available at the site linked here; there, you can also click through to the publisher's main site in order to order a copy of the journal.
Citation Information
Kim Solga. "The Activist Classroom: Performance and Pedagogy" Canadian Theatre Review Vol. 147 (2011) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/kimsolga/14/