Frock Coat and Flag: Union Soldier Markers in Central Maine
The Frock Coat and Flag motif of gravestone is a short-lived memorial theme borne from a compressed period of American history. The horrors, tragedy, and impact of the U.S. Civil War on American civilians and a lack of a comprehensive plan by the U.S. Congress to provide means or methods to bury and mark the graves of soldiers who died in service contributed to the manifestation of a portrait-style grave marker used by families in a relatively compact geographic region of central Maine between 1861 and 1864.
- Sepulcher studies,
- Sepulchral monuments,
- Gravestone Studies,
- Grave Stone Studies,
- Maine History,
- U.S. Civil War,
- U.S. Civil War History,
- Civil War Gravestones
Publication Date
May 22, 2009
© Copyright 2009 Kimberly J. Sawtelle. All rights reserved.
Citation Information
Kimberly J. Sawtelle. "Frock Coat and Flag: Union Soldier Markers in Central Maine" (2009) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/kimberly_sawtelle/6/