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Tutor-Facilitated Adult Digital Literacy Learning: Insights from a Case Study
Library Faculty and Staff Publications and Presentations
  • Kimberly D. Pendell, Portland State University
  • Elizabeth Withers, Portland State University
  • Jill Castek, Portland State University
  • Stephen Reder, Portland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Public libraries -- United States,
  • Computer-assisted instruction,
  • Digital divide -- United States -- Case studies

While the digital divide has decreased, those who are still unable to access and use information and communication technologies are left further behind. An effective digital literacy program helps underserved populations gain needed skills and alleviate the demand placed on public library staff. This case study presents findings on a digital literacy learning model that utilizes a self-paced online platform and in-person volunteer tutors. The researchers found that the learner/tutor relationship is an essential part of the learning process, and that tutors develop a variety of strategies for helping learners. The researchers also identify aspects of effective program implementation.


This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in the Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 18:2, 105-125 (2013), copyright Taylor & Francis.

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Citation Information
Pendell, Kimberly D.; Withers, Elizabeth; Castek, Jill; and Reder, Stephen, "Tutor-Facilitated Adult Digital Literacy Learning: Insights from a Case Study" (2013). Library Faculty Publications and Presentations. Paper 159.