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Learning to Teach by Learning to Learn: A Model for Teaching an ElementaryScience Methods Course
Annual International Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE)
  • Kimberly H. Lott, Utah State University
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This syllabus-sharing poster will illustrate the model developed for an elementary science methods course that incorporates the valuable aspects that research has shown to be effective in the preparation of elementary science teachers. Students (N=74) were surveyed using a ‘Beliefs about Science and Science Teaching’ survey before starting and after the completion of this course. Students’ enjoyment of science and self-efficacy towards science teaching significantly increased after the completion of the course (p

Citation Information
Lott, K.H. (2011, January). Learning to Teach by Learning to Learn: A Model for Teaching an Elementary Science Methods Course. Poster presented at the Annual International Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE). Minneapolis, MN.