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Unpublished Paper
Connecting family, community and health from a food system perspective
Leopold Center Completed Grant Reports
  • Kimberly A. Greder, Iowa State University
Project ID
This project focused on identifying reasons why families with school-age children do or do not regularly consume locally grown foods, as well as strategies to increase consumption of locally grown foods by families.
Key Question
What are the perspectives of parents with school-age children in Cass County regarding locally grown foods as a regular food source for their children? Which current assets in Cass County can be further mobilized to increase the consumption of locally grown foods by families with school-age children?
Focus group and individual interviews with parents, local growers, and community leaders, as well as surveys distributed to parents helped to provide answers to the project questions. Findings revealed that parents desire locally grown food, but it needs to be affordable and accessible. Many parents lack knowledge, skill and confidence on how to include locally grown foods within family snacks/meals. Involving children in growing and preparing food increases their interest in eating it. Relationships between growers and families can increase appreciation for and consumption of locally grown food. Relationships between growers and influential community leaders are key to increasing availability of locally grown food in the community.
Principal Investigator(s)
Kim Greder
LaVon Eblen, Emily Krengel, Ardyth Gillespie, Cornelia Butler Flora
Year of Grant Completion
Citation Information
Kimberly A. Greder. "Connecting family, community and health from a food system perspective" (2012)
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