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P-20 CEO Engagement and the Impact on Social Media Strategy
Celebration of Research and Creative Scholarship
  • Kimberly S. Pichot, Andrews University
Presenter Status
Associate Professor of Marketing, Management & Marketing Department
Preferred Session
Poster Session
Start Date
26-10-2018 2:00 PM
End Date
26-10-2018 3:00 PM
Presentation Abstract

The purpose of this study is to analyze CEO engagement in social media and theorize about the value of social media and credibility for senior management. This qualitative study looks at CEO participation in Twitter and LinkedIn, and their level of involvement based on frequency of posts and two-way communication. Also examined is the content of social media strategy articles in Inc, Forbes, and Entrepreneur to observe how small and mid-size businesses are using SM to drive strategy. Discussion touches on implications for top leadership to engage with customers in a systematic and strategy-driven manner.

Key words: social media, marketing strategy, corporate communication

Citation Information
Kimberly S. Pichot. "P-20 CEO Engagement and the Impact on Social Media Strategy" (2018)
Available at: