Evidence-Based Acute Bronchitis Therapy
Journal of Pharmacy Practice
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Acute bronchitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the large airways within the lung accompanied by a cough lasting from 1 to 3 weeks. The inflammation occurs as a result of an airway infection or environmental trigger, with viral infections accounting for an estimated 89% to 95% of cases. Symptomatic treatment of cough is primarily required for patients, though in most cases the condition is self-limiting. Therapy consists of both nonpharmacological and pharmacological options to include antibiotics and antivirals, antitussive agents, protussive agents, and beta-2-agonists. This article reviews the treatment options for acute bronchitis and recommends criteria for use.
Citation Information
Kimberly L Barefield and Aaron Atkins. "Evidence-Based Acute Bronchitis Therapy" Journal of Pharmacy Practice Vol. 25 Iss. 6 (2012) p. 586 - 590 Available at:
This article was published in Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Volume 25, Issue 6, Pages 586-590.
The published version is available at
Copyright © 2012.