After five years, Hazel Weiser recently stepped down from her post as executive director of SALT. The LatCrit Steering Committee would like to show its appreciation of her extraordinary efforts and passionate pursuit of justice during this moment in which LatCrit and SALT members of years past, present, and future come together in the community that Hazel was so instrumental in developing.
The Community Building Dinner is specifically designed to create a welcoming space for FDW participants to cultivate supportive personal, professional, and social networks. Striving for individual success in the legal academy can often feel isolating, discouraging, and even dehumanizing. The Community Building Dinner provides a counterweight to those experiences by emphasizing aspects of ourselves that help create our identity as a community, even if they don't make it into our tenure files or dean's reports. In this spirit, this year’s dinner will feature an open mic. We invite you to share your poetry, song, dance, and other talents with the group. Group performances are highly encouraged! Additional opportunities for participation in the open mic night may include karaoke, group games of Celebrity, Dictionary, and other icebreakers.
Available at: