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Effect of Variability in Level on Forward Masking and on Increment Detection
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2005)
  • Kim Schairer, Boys Town National Research Hospital
  • Walt Jesteadt, Boys Town National Research Hospital
  • Donn L. Neff, Boys Town National Research Hospital
In the first of four experiments, all with the same four subjects, varying the level of a forward masker from interval to interval in a two-interval forced-choice (2IFC) adaptive procedure had little effect on threshold. In the second experiment, the signal level was fixed and performance was measured in units of d'. Varying the level of the forward masker again had little effect. Analyses of trial-by-trial data indicated that subjects did not vote for the interval with the higher-level masker, as would an energy detector. Performance was better on trials where the masker level in the interval with the signal was lower and was relatively independent of masker level in the nonsignal interval. In the third experiment, these results were replicated for a wider range of masker variability and with maskers lower in frequency than the signal. In the fourth experiment, the same range of variability from interval to interval was imposed on the level of the pedestal in an increment-detection task. Results were similar to those observed in forward masking. The results suggest that decision processes involved in both forward masking and increment detection are similar and that neither is based on energy detection. Template matching remains a viable alternative.
  • forward masking,
  • increment detection
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Publisher Statement
Copyright 2005 Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America.

The following article appeared in Walt Jesteadt, Kim S. Schairer, and Donna L. Neff, Effect of variability in level on forward masking and on increment detection, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 118, 325 (2005) and may be found at
Citation Information
Kim Schairer, Walt Jesteadt and Donn L. Neff. "Effect of Variability in Level on Forward Masking and on Increment Detection" Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol. 118 Iss. 1 (2005) p. 325 ISSN: 1520-9024
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