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Multicollinearity in spatial genetics: separating the wheat from the chaff using commonality analyses.
Molecular Ecology (2015)
  • Jérôme G. Prunier, Université catholique de Louvain
  • Marc Colyn, University of Rennes
  • Xavier Legendre, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) DPBZ Réserve de la Haute Touche 36290 Obterre France
  • K.F. Nimon, University of Texas at Tyler
  • Marie-Christine Flamand, Université catholique de Louvain
Direct gradient analyses in spatial genetics provide unique opportunities to describe the inherent complexity of genetic variation in wildlife species and are the object of many methodological developments. However, multicollinearity among explanatory variables is a systemic issue in multivariate regression analyses and is likely to cause serious difficulties in properly interpreting results of direct gradient analyses, with the risk of erroneous conclusions, misdirected research and inefficient or counterproductive conservation measures. Using simulated data sets along with linear and logistic regressions on distance matrices, we illustrate how commonality analysis (CA), a detailed variance‐partitioning procedure that was recently introduced in the field of ecology, can be used to deal with nonindependence among spatial predictors. By decomposing model fit indices into unique and common (or shared) variance components, CA allows identifying the location and magnitude of multicollinearity, revealing spurious correlations and thus thoroughly improving the interpretation of multivariate regressions. Despite a few inherent limitations, especially in the case of resistance model optimization, this review highlights the great potential of CA to account for complex multicollinearity patterns in spatial genetics and identifies future applications and lines of research. We strongly urge spatial geneticists to systematically investigate commonalities when performing direct gradient analyses.
  • spurious correlations,
  • multiple regressions on distance matrices,
  • logistic regressions,
  • commonality analysis,
Publication Date
January 1, 2015
Citation Information
Jérôme G. Prunier, Marc Colyn, Xavier Legendre, K.F. Nimon, et al.. "Multicollinearity in spatial genetics: separating the wheat from the chaff using commonality analyses." Molecular Ecology Vol. 24 Iss. 2 (2015) p. 263 - 283
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