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Contribution to Book
Transition to marriage
  • Tara L. Cornelius
  • Kieran T. Sullivan, Santa Clara University
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Sage Publications

One of the most sign ificant psychosocial adjustments in adulthood is the transition to marriage. Although most men and women in the United States will marry at some point in their lives and most look forward to this event with anticipation and excitement, the transition to marriage also involves adaptation to a variety of tasks that may fundamentally alter spouses' view of themselves and their alliances.

Chapter of
Encyclopedia of Human Relationships
H.T. Reis
S. Sprecher
Copyright © 2009 Sage Publications. Reprinted with permission.
Citation Information
Cornelius, T.L., & Sullivan, K.T. (2009). Transition to marriage. In H.T. Reis and S. Sprecher (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Human Relationships (pp. 1052-1055). Sage Publications, Inc.