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Modeling Benthic vs. Hyporheic Nutrient Uptake in Unshaded Streams with Varying Substrates
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018 (2018)
  • Kevin R. Roche, University of Notre Dame
  • Arial Shogren, Michigan State University
  • Antoine F. Aubeneau, Purdue University
  • Jennifer Leah Tank, University of Notre Dame
  • Diogo Bolster, University of Notre Dame
Knowledge of how headwater streams transport and transform nutrients is valuable for maintaining ecosystem health and optimizing watershed management. Nutrient demand in headwater streams is often inferred from reach-scale tracer experiments and reported as an uptake velocity (v<sub>f</sub>). Multiple interacting processes control v<sub>f</sub>, making it challenging to predict how nutrient demand will respond to physical changes in the stream.

We link v<sub>f</sub> to a Continuous Time Random Walk model to quantify how v<sub>f</sub> is controlled by in-stream (velocity, dispersion, benthic uptake rate) and hyporheic processes (exchange rate, residence times, hyporheic uptake rate). We fit the model to conservative (NaCl) and nitrate (NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>) pulse tracer injections in unshaded replicate streams at the Notre Dame Linked Experimental Ecosystem Facility, which differed only in substrate size and distribution. Experiments were conducted over the first 25 d of biofilm colonization to examine how the interaction between substrate type and biofilm growth influenced modeled processes and vf<sub>.</sub> Model fits of benthic uptake rates were ~8X greater than hyporheic uptake rates for all experiments and did not vary with substrate type or over time. High benthic uptake was attributable to filamentous green algae coverage of the streambed, which dominated total algal biomass. v<sub>f</sub> was most sensitive to benthic uptake rate and in-stream velocity. v<sub>f</sub> sensitivity varied with stream conditions due to its nonlinear dependence on all modeled processes. Together, these results demonstrate how integrated, reach-scale nutrient demand can be attributed to specific contributing processes in the stream.
Publication Date
December 14, 2018
Washington, D.C.
Citation Information
Kevin R. Roche, Arial Shogren, Antoine F. Aubeneau, Jennifer Leah Tank, et al.. "Modeling Benthic vs. Hyporheic Nutrient Uptake in Unshaded Streams with Varying Substrates" American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018 (2018)
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