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Common Practices for First-Year Experience Faculty Development
The Journal of Faculty Development
  • Kevin Dvorak, Nova Southeastern University
  • Molly J Scanlon, Nova Southeastern University
  • Judith Slapak-Barski, Nova Southeastern University
0000-0002-7673-8066, 0000-0002-4542-7476
Publication Date

The eight common practices highlighted in this article reflect the fascinating, hard work of many FYE administrators and faculty who are committed to first-year students and FYE faculty success. As they designed and implemented the types of learning opportunities their faculty will need in order to be successful in their own FYE classrooms, our contributors shared the following high-impact practices have emerged from the JFD special sections on FYE faculty development: cultivate faculty buy-in; communicate the "why"; build a community of learners; facilitate ongoing training; understand the student population; leverage technology; develop learning outcomes for FD; and assess FD efforts. Recognizing these eight common practices can prove effective as we work to develop and improve their existing FYE programs.

Citation Information
Kevin Dvorak, Molly J Scanlon and Judith Slapak-Barski. "Common Practices for First-Year Experience Faculty Development" The Journal of Faculty Development Vol. 33 Iss. 3 (2019) p. 53 - 58 ISSN: 0736-7627
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