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Unpublished Paper
Culling, Mortality and Lifetime Production among U.S. Sows
Animal Industry Report
  • Linda Engblom, Iowa State University
  • Kenneth J. Stalder, Iowa State University
  • John W. Mabry, Iowa State University
Extension Number
ASL R2562
Publication Date
Summary and Implications

To evaluate the present situation, sow removal and lifetime production was investigated among 132 U.S. pork producers participating in the Datashare program with PigCHAMP. Of the removed sows, 18% only produced one litter before removal, and less than 50% produced five litters. Most sows (32%) were removed due to reproductive disorders and only every fifth are removed due to old age. Of the removed sows 84% were slaughtered, 3% were euthanized on farm and 12% were mortalities found on farm. On average a sow weaned 40.6 piglets during her lifetime. There was a substantial variation between farms. Producers need to be aware of that too high and too early removal of sows result in lower profitability and evaluate their situation.

Copyright Holder
Iowa State University
Citation Information
Linda Engblom, Kenneth J. Stalder and John W. Mabry. "Culling, Mortality and Lifetime Production among U.S. Sows" (2010)
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