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Unpublished Paper
Influence of Breed, Gender, and Halothane Genotype on Lipids of longissimus dorsi Muscle of Pigs
Animal Industry Report
  • Travis Knight, Iowa State University
  • Kenneth J. Stalder, Iowa State University
  • Rodney Goodwin, National Pork Board
  • Steven M. Lonergan, Iowa State University
  • Donald C. Beitz, Iowa State University
Extension Number
ASL R1942
Publication Date
Summary and Implications

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of breed, gender, and halothane genotype on the amount of phospholipid, triacylglycerol, and total lipid in longissimus dorsi (LD) of market pigs. There were breed and gender effects (P<0.05) for total lipid concentration in the LD, with barrows and gilts averaging 2.88 and 2.21 g lipid per 100 grams meat, respectively. The Yorkshire, Hampshire, Landrace, and Chester White breeds had the least amount of total lipid and were not different from each other. The Duroc and Berkshire breeds had the greatest total lipid and were not different from each other. There were no breed or gender effects for phospholipids; however, the triacylglycerol data nearly mirrored the patterns observed for total lipid data. Therefore, differences noted in total lipid are explained by differing amount of triacylglycerol and not differing amount of phospholipid. There were no differences noted for halothane genotype with respect to amount of total lipid, phospholipid, or triacylglycerol. In conclusion, as total lipid increases, triacylglycerol increases during growth while phospholipid remains constant.

Copyright Holder
Iowa State University
Citation Information
Travis Knight, Kenneth J. Stalder, Rodney Goodwin, Steven M. Lonergan, et al.. "Influence of Breed, Gender, and Halothane Genotype on Lipids of longissimus dorsi Muscle of Pigs" (2004)
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