The objective of this study was to calculate the dynamic space requirements to lie down and stand up of lame and non-lame sowsusing two separate measurement methods.Eighty-fivemultiparous sowswere moved from their home stall to a testingpen where they were video recorded for one lying-standing sequence at 30,60,and 90 days of gestation. The digital video camera was affixed onto the ceiling immediately above the testing pen and the sow was filmed until she laiddown and stoodup one time, or if 2.5 hours elapsed from the start of recording. Sows were lameness scored using a 3-point scaleon the same gestation days.Multiple images were extracted fromthevideo and combined into a single image.Images were measured by two different procedures, i) by counting the number of pixels on the contour of thesows’ body and ii)by overlaying a grid on the image of the sow. On average, sows used 1.16 ± 0.4 m2 to lie down and to stand up. There were no differences observed between lameness scores or measurement method in the dynamic space required to lie down or stand.In conclusion, under the conditions of this study, lameness did not affect the dynamic space needed to lie-down and stand-up.
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