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Humanitarian Inviolability in Crisis: The Meaning of Impartiality and Neutrality for U.N. and NGO Agencies Following the 2003-2004 Afghanistan and Iraq Conflicts
Harvard Human Rights Journal (2004)
  • Kenneth Anderson
Humanitarian inviolability is the ability of humanitarian relief agencies, whether official agencies such as the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) or private organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), to act in situations of extreme human need and suffering, particularly in circumstances of armed conflict, with the assurance that their personnel, their property, and their activities will not be made the object of attack. It is a concept that is at the core of all humanitarian relief work, especially during war, when the cooperation of the belligerent parties is essential to the relief of suffering and privation. It rests upon two pillars: neutrality, which is the assurance given by humanitarian agencies that their efforts are not in military support of either side, and impartiality, which means such effort is rendered to the noncombatant population of each side without distinction and according to need.
  • Humanitarian aid,
  • humanitarian relief,
  • United Nations,
  • non-governmental organizations,
  • NGO,
  • neutrality,
  • International Committee of the Red Cross,
  • Iraq,
  • Afghanistan,
  • nation building,
  • occupation,
  • Kofi Annan,
  • Mark Malloch Brown,
  • war,
  • armed conflict,
  • terrorism,
  • Al Qaeda,
  • Taleban,
  • Taliban
Publication Date
Spring 2004
Citation Information
Kenneth Anderson. "Humanitarian Inviolability in Crisis: The Meaning of Impartiality and Neutrality for U.N. and NGO Agencies Following the 2003-2004 Afghanistan and Iraq Conflicts" Harvard Human Rights Journal Vol. 17 (2004) p. 41 - 74 ISSN: 1057-5057
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