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About Kendra E. Kaiser

Dr. Kendra E. Kaiser started at Boise State University in 2017 and is currently an Assistant Research Professor with the Department of Geosciences and the Human-Environmental Systems Research Center.  She earned her Ph.D. in Earth and Ocean Sciences from the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University, and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Biology and a Bachelor of Science in Soil and Water Science both from Montana State University.  Dr. Kaiser is a watershed hydrologist interested in the incorporation of human decision-making into landscape to regional scale models.  Her previous research included investigations into how landscape structure influences vegetation patterns and biogeochemical cycles, and using remote sensing data to scale field observations.
Dr. Kaiser’s current projects incorporate water resources management and land use decision making into models of the Treasure Valley in Idaho.  Combining various data sources and modeling expertise, the project seeks to use interdisciplinary research to contribute to sustainable resource management.  Her interests include science outreach and education, and participation in activities that promote the use of science in decision making.


2021 - Present Assistant Research Professor, Boise State University Department of Geosciences
2019 - 2021 Research Faculty, Boise State University Department of Geosciences
2019 - 2021 Research Faculty, Boise State University Human-Environmental Systems Research Center
2017 - 2019 Postdoctoral Researcher, Boise State University Human-Environmental Systems
2017 - 2019 Postdoctoral Researcher, Boise State University Department of Geosciences


2024 - 2024 NSF Convergence Accelerator Track K: Equity in water information for community capacity building
National Science Foundation - 2344375
Standard Grant
Role: Principal Investigator
Colleague(s): Faith Sternlieb (Co-PI), James Ekins (Co-PI), Sophia Borgias (Co-PI), Steven Dundas (Co-PI)
2021 - 2021 Evaluation of the spatial variability of E. coli in irrigation canals for the FDA Produce Safety Rule
Idaho State Department of Agriculture
Specialty Crop Block Grant
Role: PI
2021 - 2021 Lucky Peak Power Forecast Modernization Feasibility Study
Boise-Kuna Irrigation District & Lucky Peak Power Plant
Role: PI
2021 - 2021 Method development for analyzing and predicting the impact of land use conversion on river diversions
Bureau of Reclamation
Science & Technology Grant
Role: Co-PI
2020 - 2020 Integration of flow permanence and stream temperature models and data rescue Northwest Climate Adaptation Center
Department of Interior
Role: Co-PI
2020 - 2020 Predictive Flow Model of Silver Creek, Camas Creek, and the Big Wood River above Magic Reservoir
Wood River Water Collaborative
Role: PI
2019 - 2019 Web-enabled Site Suitability and Visualization for Idaho’s Specialty Crop Industry
Idaho State Department of Agriculture
Specialty Crop Block Grant
Role: Co-PI
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2017 Ph.D. - Earth and Ocean Sciences, Duke University ‐ Nicholas School of the Environment
2011 B.S. Soil and Water Science, with Honors, Montana State University
2011 B.S. - Environmental Biology, with Honors, Montana State University

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