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School librarian as a professional teacher
Moccasin Telegraph (1977)
  • Ken Haycock, San Jose State University
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
With acknowledgement that the article was first published in the Canadian Library Association publication Moccasin Telegraph, Vol. 19, No. 3-4 (1977) and is used with permission of the Canadian Library Association. Reprinted: (1988). School librarian as a professional teacher. In F. B. McDonald (Ed.), The emerging school library media program: Readings, (pp. 114–126). Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited. (1980). School librarian as a professional teacher. The Medium, 20(1), 8–16. (1980). School librarian as a professional teacher. SMMART Journal 4, 1–5. (1977). School librarian as a professional teacher. Emergency Librarian 8(5), 4–11.
Citation Information
Ken Haycock. "School librarian as a professional teacher" Moccasin Telegraph Vol. 19 Iss. 3-4 (1977)
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