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Career & Technology Connections to Enhance the Teaching & Learning of Math Concepts
Professional Learning Day
  • Kelly Remijan, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Grade Level
6-12 Math
Start Date
26-2-2021 2:00 PM
End Date
26-2-2021 2:45 PM

6th-12th grade math teachers will discover career connections & technology to enhance the teaching & learning of math concepts. Careers & technology include: Machining (CNC Machine), Police Work--CSI & Crash Reconstruction (Laser, Trundle Wheel, CBR, & Drone), Surveying (Clinometer, Smartphone App, & Total Station), Electrical Work (Multimeter), & Aviation ( & Tracker Software). Math concepts involve: Angles, Area, Blueprints, Circles, Cylinders, Diameter, Points, Formulas, Fractions, Linear Functions, Measurement, Ratios, Scale, Solving Equations, & Triangles.

Citation Information
Kelly Remijan. "Career & Technology Connections to Enhance the Teaching & Learning of Math Concepts" (2021)
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