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Improving Teacher Motivation in Secondary Schools With Hybrid Positions
American Secondary Education (2014)
  • Kelly W. Remijan, Illinois Math and Science Academy
This Informed Commentary article draws on the author's own research as well as other professional literature to argue for the wider use of hybrid teaching positions in secondary schools. Hybrid teachers teach fewer classes, taking on a non-teaching responsibility such as athletic director, department chair, or data analyst. Most hybrid teachers in high schools experience more variety, greater task identity, greater significance, more control over time, more involvement in decision making, more independence, and more feedback than full-time classroom teachers. A hybrid position must be as unique as the individual holding it in order for the position to provide the greatest potential for improving teacher motivation.
  • Secondary Education,
  • Motivation,
  • Hybrid positions,
  • teaching,
  • teacher leadership
Publication Date
Citation Information
Kelly W. Remijan. "Improving Teacher Motivation in Secondary Schools With Hybrid Positions" American Secondary Education (2014)
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