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Review of Lejeune, Maud. Pourtraits divers de Jean de Tournes: Edition critique et fac-similé du tirage de 1556
Sixteenth Century Journal
  • Kelly Digby Peebles, Clemson University
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date
The Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers, Inc.

Pourtraits divers is an unusual book of illustrations, printed in octavo format in the Lyonnais workshop of Jean de Tournes. A first edition contains no text apart from the place of publication, printer and date (Lyon: Jean de Tournes, 1556). A second edition (1557) also bears the title Pourtraits divers. The work in question is a collaborative project between printer Jean de Tournes and illustrator Bernard Salomon (aka Le Petit Bernard), both noted figures in the print culture of Renaissance Lyon. Maud Lejeune’s study, a book version of the thesis written for her maîtrise, offers a facsimile of the 1556 edition, accompanied by a thoroughly researched introduction that situates the work within contemporary print culture in Lyon and considers several hypotheses about its potential readership and use.


This manuscript has been published in the Sixteenth Century Journal. Please find the published version here:

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