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Project Scheduling in Decision-Theoretic Competitive Bidding
2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (2006)
  • Haitao Li, University of Missouri-St. Louis
  • Keith Womer, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Accurate cost estimates for an incoming order are critical in formulating the optimal bidding strategy. When a firm is approaching its resource capacity in the short-run, adding a new job into the system may cause violations of the due date requirements, thus penalty costs arise. In this study we propose a two-stage scheduling-based optimal bidding model. Stage-I considers a resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) minimizing the weighted tardiness (penalty costs). Due to the NP-completeness of the Stage-I model, we propose a tabu search metaheuristic to obtain a high quality solution with reasonable computational time. The obtained cost estimates are then fed into the Stage-II decision-theoretic competitive bidding model to find the optimal bidding price. Advantages and extensions of the proposed model are discussed.
Publication Date
July, 2006
Citation Information
Haitao Li and Keith Womer. "Project Scheduling in Decision-Theoretic Competitive Bidding" 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (2006) p. 3042 - 3049
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